from the
Realms of Light
We who have inspired these pages come before you now to bring to you an understanding of the future of America... We are here to guide you, to inspire you, and to support the love that already exists within your hearts.
Spiritual Foundations of America
The Birth of a Nation
The provision of the Divine Creator breathed into America's conception a powerful motive that had to do with the future of the earth.
for a New Democracy
The Future of America
Eternal principles and their application which form the foundation for a new society, one whose basis is already prepared.
Poems About America
Sacred Voices from the Past
Voices of singular souls of the past that came unbidden, called by their soul's imperative to speak now to those of today.
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Realms of Light.
About Guruji-Ma
...bringing to a tired world a sense of the divine Presence that infuses all.
Spiritual Resources
Videos, podcasts, and articles that endeavor to link America's past with her future and to bring into full reality the way to the realization of present hopes and dreams.